
Friday, December 2, 2016

Freebies For New and Expecting Mothers - Target Gift Bag

Every new mom deserves a break, right?!

I'm expecting my new bundle of joy on December 15 and I understand how high baby clothing and supplies are so I'll be doing videos on FREE ITEMS and discounts offered by many retailers. Here is my video displaying the contents of the Target Gift Bag.

This is a bag filled with great samples and coupons and did I say it was free? Yep, all you have to do is follow the instructions below. If you want to see what's inside, check out my video.

1.) Create a new baby registry at or the Kiosk usually in front of guest services.

2.) If registering online, call the store ahead of time to confirm they have the bag in stock.

3.) Present your confirmation email or receipt to the guest services rep!

4.) BAM! You got some free stuff.

I have a Makeupsale going on:

Disclaimer**** I am not an affiliate of Target Corporation. These products were not purchased by me but provided as a gift after signing up for Target's Baby Registry. This is not a sponsored video.

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